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Metagenics Akkermansia Muciniphila Supplement for Healthy Weight and Glucose Control.

by FBM


Amid the flurry of newly identified ‘super-strains’ in the ever-expanding array of supplements for gut health, Akkermansia muciniphila – a bacterium that appears to maintain ‘gut barrier integrity’ and support metabolic health – stands out.

It’s now available in supplement form and is said to support weight management and normal glucose homeostasis.

But just what is Akkermansia muciniphila – and why is Metagenics’ product attracting such attention in the health and wellness community?

What is Akkermansia Muciniphila?

A naturally occurring human gut bacteria, Akkermansia muciniphila inhabits the mucus layer in the gut.Metagenics Akkermansia Muciniphila Supplement

Unlike many probiotic strains that quickly pass through your system, Akkermansia thrives in your gut, feeding on mucin, a key protein in the mucosal lining of your intestines.

The protein-degrading property of this mucin-phagic bacteria helps maintain the integrity of the gut barrier.

Benefits of Metagenics Akkermansia Muciniphila Supplement.

Metagenics’ Akkermansia muciniphila supplement could stimulate a number of health benefits, especially in terms of improving metabolic health, weight management and the health of the gut barrier.

Enhanced Insulin Sensitivity: A major benefit of taking Akkermansia muciniphila supplements is that it could increase your insulin sensitivity.

Insulin sensitivity is a measure of how your cells respond to insulin, a hormone that controls glucose levels in the blood – and the higher your insulin sensitivity, the more efficiently your body can maintain glucose levels.

Improving insulin sensitivity can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes or help you manage it if you already have the condition.

Support for Healthy Weight Management: As suggested by the Korean study, the Metagenics Akkermansia supplement could help with weight loss and healthy weight management.

As it seems capable of reducing inflammation in fat tissue, it can contribute to weight gain and lead to metabolic disease.

Reduction in Cholesterol Levels: Metagenics’ supplement could help lower cholesterol as well – another critical aspect of metabolic health.

Having too much cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease. LDL, or low-density lipoprotein (or bad cholesterol) is a strong predictor for heart disease.

The supplement was shown to lower total cholesterol, perhaps in part due to its anti-inflammatory actions and its health-promoting effects on gut ecology.

Strengthening of Gut Barrier Integrity: The Metagenics supplement acts to boost your gut’s mucin production, thickening the mucus layer and, in turn, increasing gut barrier integrity.

Akkermansia muciniphila also increases the expression of the tight-junction proteins that help to keep the gut-blood barrier intact.

Anti-inflammatory Effects: Chronic low-grade inflammation is also a common pathophysiological basis of other metabolic disorders, such as obesity, insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.

This anti-inflammatory action is one of the proposed mechanisms for a muciniphila’s broader benefits for metabolic health.

The Science Behind Metagenics Akkermansia Muciniphila Supplementation.

The slimy bacterium Akkermansia muciniphila in turn has become a favourite among scientists looking for gut microbes with a special bent.

Animal and, more recently, human studies, have shown there’s compelling evidence for this bug.

Akkermansia supplementation, particularly in pasteurised form, has been shown to improve both insulin sensitivity and drive cholesterol downward, as well as cause modest though substantial weight loss compared with a placebo arm in a landmark human study.

This is good news, since it suggests that Metagenics’ Akkermansia muciniphila might be a good adjunct to a healthy diet and exercise in the management of disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Potential Akkermansia Side Effects.

Although these benefits are certainly positive, it is also important to evaluate Akkermansia muciniphila supplementation for side effects.

So far, studies have shown that both the live and pasteurised alternatives appear to be well-tolerated without major adverse effects.

However, as with any supplement, there are potential differences in individual tolerance.

Though most people never experience any troubles, some Metagenics Akkermansia supplement users have reported gastrointestinal side-effects such as bloating or gas (mostly when first getting started and the effects are typically transient and short-lived).

People with gut disorders such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) should also use Akkermansia supplements with caution, as these populations remain relatively unexplored.

What Are Consumers Saying About The Suppelement?

Experiences reported from consumers of Metagenics’ Akkermansia muciniphila are generally positive.

They describe feeling ‘more alive’ and with ‘better digestion,’ and sometimes even a modest amount of weight loss after ‘a couple of weeks or so’.

Others recount that their insulin resistance drastically decreased when an insulin resistance protocol was added to their regimen around the same time they started taking the supplement.

But, as with any product, there are also those who did not notice much of a change or who experienced mild side effects.

That is a testimony to the variability created by the personal nature of supplementation, what you expect it to do, and how well it aligns with your particular health needs.

Why Consider the Metagenics Akkermansia Supplement?

Evidence pointing to a strong link between Akkermansia muciniphila and metabolic health continues to mount.

People with higher levels of Akkermansia muciniphila have much greater odds of having good insulin sensitivity, lower body fat and a decreased risk of metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes.

You too can try the Metagenics supplement to boost your levels of this helpful bacterium.

The other is that Akkermansia supplementation, especially from reputable companies such as Metagenics, can enhance weight loss, a benefit that has been clearly associated with this species.

Studies have found that the supplementation of Akkermansia muciniphila can result in reduced body composition, specifically fat mass, in overweight or even obese individuals.

This is likely due to its effects on decreasing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity, both of which are hallmarks of obesity.

Final Thoughts.

Supporting greater metabolic health with the Metagenics supplement of Akkermansia muciniphila might be one of the most important steps you can take for your wellness regimen.

This ‘next generation’ bacterium may help with your weight management and glucose regulation, so we hope that this article resonates with you.

As always, stay informed, and remember to listen to your body, and make health decisions that best support your individual needs.

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